Hydrobiologia 770 (1), 145-164, 2016. 94, 2016. The relative importance of fish predation and excretion effects on planktonic communities. JL Attayde, LA 


The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2020) Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.674 ℹ Source Normalized Impact …

Total handling time accepted manuscripts. 4.9 mnths. compare →. Decision time immediate rejection. Hydrobiologia Impact Factor 2018-2019 The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Hydrobiologia is 2.28 , which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.

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Note that 2020 Impact Factor are reported in 2021; they cannot be calculated until all of the 2020 publications have been processed by the indexing agency. 2021-04-22 · Hydrobiologia Key Statistics 53 days from submission to first decision 10 days from final acceptance to online publication 32 % acceptance rate (2019) 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.541 (2018) - Cited half-life: 12.6 years JCR®, Clarivate Analytics Google Scholar h5-index: 41 - Ranks 15 th in the category “Marine Sciences and Fisheries” (2019) Volume 848 January - May 2021. May 2021, issue 8; April 2021, issue 7; March 2021, issue 6; March 2021, issue 5; February 2021, issue 4; February 2021, issue 3; January 2021, issue 2; January 2021, issue 1. New, Old and Evergreen Frontiers in Freshwater Phytoplankton Ecology: The Legacy of Colin S. Reynolds. Volume 847 January - December 2020.

av L Green — Furthermore, we investigated the effect of parent origin and parent treatment salinity on Parent origin, parent treatment salinity and sperm treatment salinity were included as fixed factors. origin show increased stress levels in freshwater (Puntila‐Dodd et al., 2021). Hydrobiologia, 848, 421– 429.

Duration first review round. 3.8 mnths.

15 3.6 Status of the impact of targeted fisheries on non‐indigineous species (ToR h) . The recidivism rate is ~0.1%, which can result in breeding oysters if large Hydrobiologia Conference on fish telemetry No6, Sesimbra , PORTUGAL 2013-2021 studylib.net all other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their 

4 & 13. 2027 third management cycle ends, is used as an index to classify lakes in diffe- Hydrobiologia 704 (1): 127-140. 66 Coastal modification and its impacts on herring egg development. in ecosystems composition, eutrophication and pollution among other factors that may affect fish populations. with the aim to restore the good ecological status of the Baltic marine environment by 2021. Hydrobiologia 554: 127-130. av EG Flaaten — multiplied by a factor of 1.49; hence a fisherman who goes fishing 245 days a year The developments described above have had a significant impact on the  av O Sandström · 2016 — and paper industry.

Hydrobiologia impact factor 2021

December 2020, issue 21 Hydrobiologia Key Statistics 53 days from submission to first decision 10 days from final acceptance to online publication …% acceptance rate (2019) 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.541 (2018) - Cited half-life: 12.6 years JCR®, Clarivate Analytics Google Scholar h5-index: 41 - Ranks 15 th in the category “Marine Sciences and Fisheries” (2019) 11 rows Hydrobiologia publishes original research, reviews and opinions investigating the biology of freshwater and marine environments, including the impact of human activities. We welcome molecular-, organism-, community- and ecosystem-level studies in contributions dealing with limnology and oceanography, including systematics and aquatic ecology. The scope of Hydrobiologia comprises the biology of rivers, lakes, estuaries and oceans and includes palaeolimnology and −oceanology, taxonomy, parasitology, biogeography, and all aspects of theoretical and applied aquatic ecology, management and conservation, ecotoxicology, and pollution. The impact factor is also known by the name of journal impact factor of an academic journal. It is based on the scientometric index that shows the annual average number of citations. Moreover, impact factor is having all the information which is published in … 2020-12-07 Hydrobiologia Impact Factor 2018-2019 The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Hydrobiologia is 2.28 , which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.
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Volume 804, issue 1 articles listing for Hydrobiologia. You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please send feedback

Hematokrit förvaltningscykel. Det i dag aktuella målet är att alla Sveriges vatten skall ha god status 2021. Hydrobiologia 140:93-95. Robinson, R.D.  The trade-off between clean energy and the negative impacts of hydropower offers much stream2017Ingår i: Hydrobiologia, ISSN 0018-8158, E-ISSN 1573-5117, Vol. Effects of ice cover on the diel behaviour and ventilation rate of juvenile Artificial barriers against arionid slug movement2021Ingår i: Crop Protection,  Purthermore, for Be-like ions, it has been proposed to extract the rate of the BIM1 These terms had an important impact on the tenor of each country's debate.

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Assessment of impact of the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Formation factor logging in situ by electrical methods in KLX07A,. KLX08, KLX10 Hydrobiologia, 81–82, pp 339–362. TR Omvärlden år 2021: fyra globala scenarier [The world.

Hydrobiologia publishes original research, reviews and opinions regarding the biology of all aquatic environments, including the impact of human activities. We welcome molecular-, organism-, community- and ecosystem-level studies in contributions dealing with limnology and oceanography, including systematics and aquatic ecology. The editor of Hydrobiologia has not yet provided information for this page. Hydrobiologia publishes original research, reviews and opinions investigating the biology of all aquatic environments, including the impact of human activities. Impact factor 1.784 (2011 Hydrobiologia publishes original research, reviews and opinions investigating the biology of all aquatic environments, including the impact of human activities.