What are CTCSS and DCS. If you are programming repeaters into your radio or working certain satellites, you likely encountered the above. This is not a full 


14 _ DIFFR - Frekvens skifte i MHz mellan mottagning/sändnings frekvens. 15 _ R-CDC - Mottagnings (Receive) Subton (CTCSS eller DCS). [* 

Tap to unmute. If 2,159 ctcss/dcs transceiver radio products are offered for sale by suppliers on Alibaba.com, of which walkie talkie accounts for 26%, portable radio accounts for 1%. A wide variety of ctcss/dcs transceiver radio options are available to you, such as internet radio. cb radio ctcss dcs are highly durable and their batteries have magnificent capacities to ensure they stay powered for many hours. Their radio ranges and frequency options packed in these. cb radio ctcss dcs are exemplary, allowing you to communicate with people who are far away. The screen shot of CHIRP below contains examples of various CTCSS and DCS modes.

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In CHIRP it is called Tone for transmit Both CTCSS and DCS were designed to ignore other users on a radio frequency Think of them as electronic ear plugs CTCSS is analog (a selection of tones, generally between 67 Hz and 255 Hz) DCS is digital (one 134.4 Hz tone carrying 23 bits of data) Most of the time, we only think in terms of transmitting tones DCS DCS (Digital Coded Squelch) is digital data or code word that is transmitted with the voice audio. This data is sub-audible with most of it’s energy below 300Hz. However is does have a wide bandwidth from 2 to 300 Hz. Unlike CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System) which uses continuous tones below 300 Hz., DCS uses digital data or code words. CTCSS is part of a repeater's receiver that allows only signals with the proper "Tone" to access or open the receiver.

Re: Skillnad på CTCSS och DCS? /Löst på egen hand. Post by Åkerlund » August 10th, 2014, 8:40 pm. Tackar för det, det klargjorde min snurriga förklaring! :).

99 Programming Channels on the BaoFeng UV-5R - DCS and CTCSS - YouTube. Programming Channels on the BaoFeng UV-5R - DCS and CTCSS. Watch later. Share.


As with CTSCC the different vendors have their own names; Motorola calls it Digital Private Line (DPL), GE uses Digital Channel Guard (DCG), and Icom uses Digital Tone Squelch (DCS) .

Ctcss dcs

Fubotevic Womens Color Block Pullover Sweatshirt Drawstring Long  CTCSS is an analog system. A later Digital-Coded Squelch (DCS) system was developed by Motorola under the trademarked name Digital Private Line (DPL). General Electric responded with the same system under the name of Digital Channel Guard (DCG). The generic name is CDCSS (Continuous Digital-Coded Squelch System). CTCSS stands for Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System.

Datumet: 10 januari 2008.

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CTCSS is an analog system. A later Digital-Coded Squelch (DCS) system was developed by Motorola under the trademarked name Digital Private Line (DPL). General Electric responded with the same system under the name of Digital Channel Guard (DCG). The generic name is CDCSS (Continuous Digital-Coded Squelch System).

section of the transmitter (rather than through the audio chain) often right at the original oscillator. The real name for this method of transmission is Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System or CTCSS. Most modern FRS and GMRS radios have CTCSS, but most of them don't call it CTCSS. Digital Coded Squelch or DCS is the third type, and it works by adding a sub-audible digital bitstream to the transmitted audio.

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DCS stands for Digital Coded Squelch and is what you will encounter in the "digital" worldsort of. It is a digital signal being sent along side the audio (which can be Analog) and usually sits for the most part, as CTCSS in the first 300Hz of the signal being transmitted.

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