Luke Martin is one of Twitter’s foremost crypto traders. He specializes in technical analysis and regularly shares charts and commentary on his account. For $50 per month, you can watch his live daily webinar.


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13 Dec 2020 Social data is true and it allows you to do this by getting involved on social media. Thus, it is better to grow Twitter followers that can increase 

10 Mar 2021 "Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules," the profile pages of these suspended accounts showed. The affected influencer  10 Mar 2021 Twitter, popular among crypto influencers and analysts, has suspended at least seven accounts related to cryptocurrencies with thousands of  31 Mar 2020 We'll tell you the best time to post on Twitter and look at four strategies to help you find the best time for your company. The scam tweets asked individuals to send bitcoin currency to a specific cryptocurrency wallet, with the promise of the Twitter user that money sent would be  The latest Tweets from CryptoSanta (@CryptoSanta7). Crypto addict.


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Major social media platform Twitter, headed by bitcoin proponent Jack Dorsey, has suspended the accounts of some influencers in the cryptocurrency space. Crypto Accounts Mistakenly Considered as Scams According to a tweet by popular YouTuber Tone Vays on Wednesday (Mar. 10, 2021), accounts belonging to a bunch of well-known crypto…

Twitter: @MMcrypto. Website: amp=1.