158B codeforces Taxi Solution in c++ #include #include using namespace std; i 112A Codeforces - Petya and strings 996A Codeforces - Hit the lottery
158B codeforces Taxi Solution in c++ #include
Problem solution essay powerpoint presentation. Previous Previous post: codeforces solution 546A – Soldier and Bananas Next Next post: codeforces solution 118A – String Task One thought on “ codeforces solution 158B – Taxi ”
the idea is when i find 4 I increase the number of taxis by one, and then i combine every 1's and 3's in one taxi, and i combine 2's with each other , and the remaining 2's and 1's i combine them and divide them by 4 and adds the result to number of taxis , if there is any remaining groups i increase the number of taxis by one . B. Taxi - codeforces - solution - Pastebin.com Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 158B codeforces Taxi Solution in c++ #include
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#http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/158/B: from collections import Counter: def taxi (): int (raw_input ()) groups = raw_input (). strip (). split counter = Counter (groups) total = 0: flag_3 = False: flag_2 = False: if '4' in counter: total += counter ['4'] if '3' in counter: total += counter ['3'] flag_3 = True: if '2' in counter: count = counter ['2'] // 2: total += count: if counter ['2'] % 2!= 0:
2018-08-25 · 158B codeforces Taxi Solution in c++ #include
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Codeforces VK Cup 2012 Qualification Round 1, problem: (B) Taxi solution. garakchy Algorithm, Programming and some problem solutions. Sunday, March 16, 2014
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