CP Network Limited / Christian Pankhurst. Heart IQ Coach / Group Facilitator, Heart Intelligence. 2011 – 2012. Have studied with Christian Pankhurst since 2010.


The Heart iQ Facilitation Training is a 20 hour workshop on the art of group dynamics and leadership. During these 5-days you will experience two experiences, combined into one. You’ll have a deep, nourishing healing experience of your own growth & leadership while also learning cutting edge tools, frameworks and processes for guiding others into deep sacred space.

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5:00. Select Your Weekend.

What Is The Heart IQ Network? The Heart IQ™ Network is a socially-conscious organization founded by Christian Pankhurst and led by an incredible team of Heart Intelligent individuals, along with the support of a Review Council that assists the organization in maintaining the highest standards of excellence and integrity.


Christian pankhurst heart iq

You’ll have a deep, nourishing healing experience of your own growth & leadership while also learning cutting edge tools, frameworks and processes for guiding others into deep sacred space. Heart iQ™ grundades av Christian Pankhurst, en världsledande expert på gruppdynamik, konfliktlösning och som är känd för sitt arbete med att läka den spricka mellan olika individer som håller mänskligheten fången i illusionen om separation. Christian Pankhurst is a world-leading authority on heart-centered communication and heart intelligent relationships. He is the creator of the Heart IQ™ Method, a coaching framework that specializes in group dynamics and intimacy development. Heart IQ™ (= Heart Intelligence oder Herz Intelligenz), begründet durch Christian Pankhurst, ist lebendige Kommunikationskunst und herzorientierte Lebensweise. Heart IQ ™ unterstützt uns, auf unser Herz (Körper und Spirit) zu hören, ihm zu folgen und uns zu öffnen. Christian Pankhurst: Heart IQ. Posted on April 3, 2018.
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Heart iQ™ grundades av Christian Pankhurst, en världsledande expert på gruppdynamik, konfliktlösning och som  Heart iQ: A Wormhole Shortcut To A New Dimension of Healing & Awakening. Christian Pankhurst. 117.
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a devoted Christian lik e Emperor Yohannes IV) was. p o ten tia lly R. Pankhurst, Economic History o f Ethiopia, Addis Ababa 1968, p .670 men, a l-^ ala h iq a, a very few Hadendowa and some of a fa ith fu l man a fter my hear

Hij put hierbij uit zijn expertise in   From: Christian Pankhurst. Heart IQ Retreat Centre, Netherlands.

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400BAJ *Oaxaca: Home Cooking from the Heart of Mexico [PDF/EPub] by Bricia Lopez 720r8C *Fierce Style: How to Be Your Most Fabulous Self [PDF/EPub] by Christian Siriano 864kMC *Emmeline Pankhurst [PDF/EPub] by Paula Bartley 956BAJ *Incrementa tu IQ financiero: Sé más listo con tu dinero [PDF/​EPub] 

8 679 gillar · 40 pratar om detta. Christian Pankhurst is a world leading expert in group dynamics, intimacy, & conscious Visa mer av Christian Pankhurst på Facebook.