AURA’s goal is to know publishing policies of scholarly journals concerning access to their files, exploitation rights and publishing licenses, and how they affect self-archive in institutional or thematic repositories. Journals are classified by colours in accordance with DULCINEA’s and SHERPA/ROMEO’s taxonomy.


Sherpa; CORE; Publications Router; OpenDoar; Jisc Collections; IRUS-UK; We’re working to develop services, provide support, and influence policy in order to enable UK higher education to realise the rewards of open access (OA).

The service interprets data from Romeo which holds open access policies from over 30,000 journals, and funder data 2020-4-22 · SHERPA/RoMEO database provides a classification system, assigning self-archiving colours of ‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘yellow’ and ‘white’ to publishers dependent on their self-archiving policy. In order to assign these colours, a logic needs to be applied to the conditions and restrictions specified in the publishers’ CTAs. 2017-11-9 · 13. The colours for self-archiving: RoMEO colours .

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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, 29th June 2017 — Knowledge E added to SHERPA/RoMEO database. Knowledge E is pleased to announce that all our copyright policies are now featured in the SHERPA/RoMEO database. All KnE conference proceedings and journals articles are covered under policies classified as ‘RoMEO Green Publisher’ status as displayed on the SHERPA/RoMEO database effective

،. RoMEO update date. ،. Country.

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(Table taken from rromeo lets you retrieve the policies of all journals of a given colour using the function rr_romeo_colour() (NOTE: this function can be slow as there are many journals to retrieve): rromeo also provides a function to retrieve information based on publisher ID rr_publisher (). SHERPA/RoMEO provides a synthetic “colour” for each journal, the colour summarizes the editorial policy of a journal: RoMEO colour. Archiving policy.

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This version of Sherpa Romeo will be decommissioned on Friday 31 July 2020. Our new version is available at . One journal found when searched for: 0893-9454

영국의 Institutional Repository 추진 프로그램인 SHERPA( Securing a Hybrid SHERPA/RoMEO Colours, excluding provisional policies  On the website SHERPA/RoMEO conveniently uses colour coding in order to distinguish between the journals/publishers' different terms of use and polices on self  level of archival policy. Sherpa RoMEO (n.d.) is a database that records the self- archiving policies of journals for their authors. It uses the following colour codes  Aug 14, 2020 Open Access: Open Access Publishers & Journals · Open Access Journals: Green, Gold & Hybrid · SHERPA / ROMEO · Publisher copyright  A list of URLs of repositories in which a copy of some version of the article exists. Sherpa Romeo Colour, The Sherpa Romeo colour assigned to the journal the  Sherpa RoMEO differentiates four categories of self-archiving policies by using four colours (green, blue, yellow, and white).

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2017-11-9 · 13. The colours for self-archiving: RoMEO colours . We have used different colours to help highlight the self- archiving policies of publishers. These colours are a development of the original RoMEO list project and distinguish four categories of archiving rights:
