Oslo Børs has a license as a regulated market from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance pursuant to section 11.1 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and operates two such regulated markets. In addition, Oslo Børs operates one multilateral trading facility pursuant to section 9.8 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
2021-03-25 13:45 · Oslo Børs AKSO: Aker Solutions to Deliver Subsea Production System for the Eldfisk North Development; 2021-03-25 13:45 · Cision Aker Solutions ASA: Aker Solutions to Deliver Subsea Production System for the Eldfisk North Development; 2021-03-25 07:00 · Oslo Børs
Tjänsterna innefattar huvudsakligen inspektion, underhåll och reparation ute till havs. Utöver erbjuds diverse konsult- och ingenjörstjänster. Bolaget äger och förvaltar över en bred flotta av undervattensfartyg, stöd- och konstruktionsfartyg i olika storlekar. Reach Subsea tillhandahåller tjänster inom subsea segmentet. Tjänsterna innefattar huvudsakligen inspektion, underhåll och reparation ute till havs. Utöver erbjuds diverse konsult- och ingenjörstjänster. Bolaget äger och förvaltar över en bred flotta av undervattensfartyg, stöd- och konstruktionsfartyg i olika storlekar.
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Oslo Børs. Symbol. REACH. Reference is made to our announcement 08.01.2021, 15:13 regarding exercise of employee share options in Reach Subsea ASA. 26.3.2021 klo 8.00 · Oslo Børs REACH: Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020 18.1.2021 klo 7.45 · Oslo Børs REACH: Future proofing subsea services Mer om Oslo Børs Lær mer om våre Oslo-markeder Besøk Oslo-siden vår på Euronext.com og lær om Norges finanssentrum. Oslo Børs. IPOs Se alt 23/04/2021: Reach Subsea ASA – approved prospectus and launch of subsequent offering. Reference is made to previous announcements from Reach Subsea ASA (the “ Company “).
Should you invest in Reach Subsea (OB:REACH)? Flawless balance sheet Executive Summary. Reach Subsea ASA provides subsea services worldwide. REACH, OB (Oslo Bors), Yes, Ordinary Shares, NO, NOK, Jan 1992. 0EMB, LSE
Källa: SIX AB. ISIN-kod: NO0003117202. Hemsida: www.reachsubsea.no.
00 · Oslo Børs QFUEL: Quantafuel ASA | Operation update Quantafuel AS (A private Qurate Retail Inc; Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc; Reach Subsea ASA;
REACH: Operational figures. Oslo Børs - Aksjeprat ; Nyheter ; Reach Subsea opp 71 prosent - Finansavisen Reach Subsea opp 71 prosent - Finansavisen. By Nyhet, april 24, 2020 in Nyheter. Share Followers 0. Skriv et innlegg; Recommended Posts.
S.D. Standard Drilling - temporary admission of shares, January 2017. Songa Bulk, December 2016. Cleaves Securities AS
Reach Subsea is your provider of IMR, ROV, Survey, Construction Support and Decommissioning Services. The Group’s business concept is to offer subsea services as subcontractor and/or directly to end clients, based out of our head office in Haugesund. The core business of the Group is based on modern, high spec Work ROVs operated by highly qualified
Oslo Børs has a license as a regulated market from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance pursuant to section 11.1 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and operates two such regulated markets.
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Oslo Børs - Aksjeprat ; Nyheter ; Reach Subsea opp 71 prosent - Finansavisen Reach Subsea opp 71 prosent - Finansavisen.
REACH SUBSEA ASA : Real-time Quotes, intraday chart, variations, volumes, technical indicators and last transactions, share REACH SUBSEA ASA | Oslo Bors: REACH | Oslo Bors
Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA 15/04/2021 Operational figures 26/03/2021 Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020 Oslo Børs ; Euronext Growth; Euronext
16.4.2021 16.16 · Oslo Børs REACH: Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA; 15.4.2021 12.40 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 26.3.2021 08.00 · Oslo Børs REACH: Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020
Oslo Børs offers a full product range including equities, derivatives and fixed income instruments. Oslo Børs. Symbol.
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2021-04-14 · Luxembourg – 14 April 2020 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) today announced that, at the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of shareholders on 14 April 2021, all resolutions were
Handelsvaluta: NOK. Sektor (GICS1) Visa REACH SUBSEA ASA-diagram live för att se aktiens kursutveckling. Nordea Nordea Bank Abp Börsmeddelande - Transaktioner utförda av personer i Oslobörsen, Vill du ha bättre koll på aktier från Norge? Här finner du populära bolag som Statoil och Norwegian. Oslo Stock Exchange REACH SUBSEA/OB.
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Oslo Børs. Symbol. REACH. Reach Subsea ASA's ("Reach") partner MMT Sweden AB ("MMT") has been acquired by Ocean Infinity in a transaction that was made public today
Handelen på Oslo Børs startet den 15. april 1819. I 1881 ble Oslo Børs en fondsbørs, det vil si at verdipapirer ble tatt opp til notering. Den første kursnotering av verdipapirer inneholdt 16 obligasjonsserier og 23 aksjer, Norges Bank inkludert. 18.1.2021 klo 7.45 · Oslo Børs.